Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects


Paulo Flores and ggarchitects developed design Villa Vortex. The house is located in Queretaro, Mexico.

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects

Villa Vortex by Paulo Flores and ggarchitects



My Name's Elena Lewis , I'm twenty-two years. I love the pictures too, and I own a site in the name of "Girls House" contains the latest celebrity pictures .